Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Flowers That Bloom When Shaken by Do Jong-hwan

흔들리지 않고 피는 꽃이 어디 있으랴
이 세상 그 어떤 아름다운 꽃들도
다 흔들리면서 피었나니
흔들리면서 줄기를 곧게 세웠나니
흔들리지 않고 가는 사랑이 어디 있으랴

젖지 않고 피는 꽃이 어디 있으랴
이 세상 그 어떤 빛나는 꽃들도
다 젖으며 젖으며 피었나니
바람과 비에 젖으며 꽃잎 따뜻하게 피웠나니
젖지 않고 가는 삶이 어디 있으랴

Where is the flower that blooms without shaking?
Any of the beautiful flowers of this world
all bloom while being shaken
They shake on stems that grow upright
Where is the love that goes without shaking?
Where is the flower that blooms without being soaked?
Any of the shining flowers of this world
bloom as they are soaked
Soaked by wind and rain, petals bloom warmly
Where is the life that goes without being soaked? 

도종환 - 흔들리며 피는 꽃

Wild Flower by Na Tae Joo

자세히 보아야 예쁘다
오래 보아야 사랑스럽다
너도 그렇다

you have to look closely to see its loveliness
you have to look for a long time to realize that it’s lovable
you, too, are like that

풀꽃 - 나 태 주

Monday, March 18, 2013

Missing You

Love is a tremendous artist, don't you think? :)

Please listen to my heart just once
Everyday every night i am missing you
Even if you are not by my side,
Even if I cant see you now,
In my heart, you are always the same