Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Me...5 Years Later

"Let's make a letter for our 5-years-later self!"

My dear friend suddenly popped an idea when we hang out together, others agreed immediately while I left thinking to myself...What would I be 5 years later??

I really dont know what to write...Even till now, in this 22 years old age I still can't figure where I'll lead this life...
It's not that I don't have a dream, of course I have a dream, dreams to be exact..I'm just confused...Life that I live now is nowhere near what I expect.....


I've kept the post above for almost a year in my draft. I don't know why I didn't finish it, maybe I just don't know how to write it without sound so whinny, hehe :)

Ah, anyway... I'm 23 now, will be 24 next month...Eventhough I still hesitant to take steps forward in my life, I at least have gists about what I will do...

In the end I didn't make that letter...
And what would I be 5 years from now?? Hhmmm...Still don't know for sure, we'll see...

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